Monday, November 19, 2012


As joyful as this time of year can be for many it is also a very difficult time for some.  I myself reflect on when I lost my Mom at age 23 five days before Thanksgiving.  I was also diagnosed with cancer 3 years ago 4 days before Christmas.  The holidays can be stressful remembering those that are no longer with us.  Many people have financial burdens that are compounded this time of year and for those struggling with health and weight loss there are temptations around every corner.  How do we manage?  I am not a doctor or psychiatrist but I want to share with you how I stay positive, satisfied and at peace no matter where my life takes me or what time of year it is.

1) Be thankful.  Easier said than done but when you find gratitude in even the smallest of things your life takes on new meaning.  Once I stopped "asking" for more and started counting what I already had I felt "full" instead of "hungry" all of the time.

2) Forgive.  Whatever wrongs others have done to you holding onto it only hurts you.  When you feel the freedom that comes with forgiveness you will breathe easier.

3) Find satisfaction in yourself.  This one is very difficult for me but when I remind myself that I was born exactly as I was suppose to be I can relax a little and learn to love those extra moles or lapses in memory.  When we turn our "flaws" around and call them unique qualities we have a new perspective.

4) Practice giving.  Whether it is the parking space everyone is after or the last cart at the grocery store the joy that comes from giving (especially random acts of kindness) is profound and pure.

5) Breathe.  Grown ups need time outs too.  Sometimes all it takes is a full 60 seconds to calm your breath down and slow your heartbeat.  When we can get our physical bodies under control our minds don't go so crazy with the "what ifs" or the "I can'ts" or the "I don'ts".  Are all of those things you are really stressed about life and death?

6) Find faith.  Your faith may be different than mine but having faith in something larger than yourself ( Humanity, God etc) gives you something to hold onto.  I have had multiple times in my life where I felt like I was free falling with nothing but a crash in sight.  If I did not have faith to hold onto I surely would have splattered on the ground.

7) Exercise (of course).  One of the BEST stress relievers.  Instead of forgoing your workout to get the shopping done try to squeeze at least a few minutes in.  It is ironic that the one thing that can really help relieve stress is also the one thing that we don't make time to do when we are stressed out.

Suzanne and I wish all of you a very enjoyable and peaceful Thanksgiving.  We hope you find small things to be thankful for in your lives as well as large things.  We are very thankful for each and every one of you and will count you in our blessings on Thanksgiving day.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Inspiration, Motivation and Creation.

Eleven years ago I moved to this area.  I had a 3 year old boy and a baby girl on my hip at the time and was hoping this would be the place I would land for awhile.  After the long search for the perfect house we finally moved in and I immediately got to know my next door neighbor - you might know her - her name is Suzanne;)  We both had 3 year old sons and a bit in common and we hit it off right away.  

One day she was telling me about her part time job as a fitness instructor and told me I should come check out her BodyPump class.  I had never set foot in a gym.  I was always so intimidated by them - "what if I can't do it?", "what if I am not wearing the right thing?",  "what if I make a fool out of myself?".  I mustered up the courage to go mostly to impress my new friend - I didn't want her to think I was a wimp. 

My heart racing I did my very best to follow the choreography and have good form using these things called weights :)  After one class I was hooked.  Her teaching ability truly inspired me to push myself and I could not believe how FUN it was!  

When I had a few classes under my belt I decided to venture even further into the unknown and try a class that Suzanne didn't teach.  There was this dance class on Wednesday nights that sounded intriguing - I always enjoyed dancing at parties but I had never (ever) taken a single dance class in my entire life.  "Oh well, lets try it.  If I make a fool out of myself I don't have to go back".  Two of my now mentors were the instructors of that class.  I must admit the first class was challenging and I left feeling a little frustrated but found myself trying to remember the moves once I got home.  I also found myself thinking about it all week so that when Wednesday rolled around again I was ready to give it another try.  Somehow those instructors motivated me to try harder and kept me coming back for more.  Eventually, I was going every week and loved that I could learn a whole dance routine.  

Fast forward to today.  After many certifications in different formats of fitness classes my love is truly dance.  I have a deep appreciation for anyone who can dance and especially those who have helped me learn how to dance along the way.  There is something so freeing and passionate about moving your body to inspirational music.  I have now tried to follow in my mentors footsteps by creating a constantly moving, multiple style, fitness dance class - the Mash Up.  Please come give it a try on Wednesday nights at 6:30.  I want to share my passion with you and help you fall in love with dance as much as I have.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


I have been a major recipient of incredible generosity throughout my life.   I have also been incredibly blessed with amazing family and friends.  When Suzanne and I opened The EDGE we wanted to use the business to give back to our community - not only by providing a fun and affordable way for people to gather and be healthy but also by contributing to local charities.   Last year we had a lot of fun coming up with ideas for how to raise money for causes we cared about and things that have touched our lives.  We raised money for the Pismo Beach Fire Department, American Cancer Society, Lucile Packard Children's Heart Center at Stanford, The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and the Society of African American Engineers at Cal Poly.

Our Edge community is incredibly generous.  You have helped us to make a difference and we have come together on a united front for many things but on top of the financial giving we have seen so much more.  You offer each other encouragement.  You take a few extra minutes to check in with someone who might be new or feeling a bit intimidated.  You let us know how your classes are going and encourage us on your way out.  You trust us with stories from your lives and let us in.  I can't tell you how many times I have found "anonymous" angels who have put new paper towels in the bathroom or turned off the fans etc.  We are a family and it really shows.  

On October 27th we will be walking with our Edge team - team knowlEDGE - at the second annual 5k Making Strides for Breast Cancer walk in downtown SLO.  The EDGE will be leading everyone in a warm up before the walk starts and then we get to enjoy a beautiful stroll through downtown neighborhoods.  All of the money raised will go to help local people with breast cancer.  We would love to raise more money and have more people on our team than last year.  If you feel called to do so think about signing up for the walk.  There is no fee for entering and no minimum fundraising requirement.  We will be closed the day of the walk so this is a fabulous way to get your workout in - not to mention you know we are going to have a blast!  If you have never done a walk I challenge you to try this one - you wont regret it!  Thank you for being all that you are - YOU are our greatest gift at the EDGE!

Saturday, June 23, 2012


As we approach the first full year of being in business I have been reflecting on all of the challenges, milestones and people we have experienced along the way.  The things we have learned and the growth we have experienced as women business owners has been surprising, exhausting (at times) but most of all rewarding.  Many things we thought would happen didn't and many other things that we were not expecting did happen.   We knew that we would meet amazing, determined, dedicated, accepting and positive people.  "If you build it they will come"  right?  This was the atmosphere we were going for and boy did you deliver!  Our EDGE family could not be built any better - there is not a bad apple in the bunch!  You have all so inspired us and we learn so much from you on a daily basis.   Some of you we see regularly and others come in spurts but every time you walk through the door you bring the sunshine with you.  Most of the time just walking through the door is the hardest part.  We love watching how you connect with others in the studio and have made friends.  We love to watch you challenge yourselves but most of all we love watching you grow stronger.  

I have always been the kind of person who likes to do things on my own.  I want to know I can do things without any ones help.  That is pride I guess, and too much of it.  I have always wanted to own my own business.  My father had his own business and from a young age I wanted to do the same thing.  After being a fitness instructor for several years the idea of opening my own studio would roll around in my head often but I never really had the courage to jump.  Suzanne had been having the same thoughts too.  We were not sure what owning this business together would do to our friendship - it was a big risk.  What if we didn't operate the same way?  Was it worth risking our friendship and the friendships of our families over?  The answer came back yes.  I am so happy that I did NOT do this on my own.  If I had I would have nobody to share the joy with.  Suzanne has always been an incredible friend - with me through thick and thin when the floor was about to drop out.  She reads me, knows me and understands me.  I would not have wanted to be on this adventure with anyone else.  I love her more and more as we move through this chapter of our lives together.

What I am trying to say is that life is worth sharing.  Milestones and goals and successes are worth sharing.  Challenges and failures are worth sharing too.  As you move toward your fitness goals find someone you can share the ride with - it makes it so much more enjoyable.  Besides, you will always have someone there in case you fall:)

I love you EDGE family!  Thank you for a great first year and I hope it is one of many!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


 I think exercise is very much an addiction - a good addiction  - but still an addiction.  Once you start enjoying exercise your body starts to crave it - just like any other drug.  Things start to happen when you don't get it - you become grouchy, short tempered, aggravated - just like any other drug.  The difference with exercise is that it is hard to become addicted to it.  It takes awhile.  Sometimes months.  It can be a long uphill battle to obtain the desire to exercise.  It usually starts out as something you have to do or need to do but eventually the crave starts to kick in.  Eventually you start to see how much better you feel - you notice that you have more energy and need less sleep.  Your brain works better  - you are sharper and have a better memory.  You are kinder and have more patience.  A nice little side benefit of exercising is that you tend to eat healthier once you start to notice the physical effects of exercise.  

As with anything in life it is important to find that perfect balance - your happy place.  The point where you are exercising enough and still getting the rest your body needs.  For most of us it is more than what we think.  Suzanne and I exercise several hours every day 6 days a week.  We rest on Sunday.  By Monday we are ready to go again.  If we end up taking more than a couple of days off we really start to feel it.  Of course it has taken years for our bodies to really be comfortable with the amount of exercise.  Listen to your body and don't be afraid to push yourself to the next level every once in awhile.  When you reach that point where you think your are fully addicted you can join our EAAPOI group.... EXERCISE ADDICT AND PROUD OF IT!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Fear Factor!

Nothing like the present to face your fears!  We have an opportunity for you to do just that on Saturday, March 24th.  Suzanne and I will be teaching Zumba on stage at the Madonna Expo center for the Health and Fitness Expo from 12:15 - 12:45pm.  We would love to have you on stage with us!  We want people of all ages, body types and fitness levels to show everyone how easy Zumba is and how fun fitness can be!  We will be doing routines that we have been doing for awhile now so if you have been coming to class you will be familiar with them.  Please let us know if you are interested in being on our stage team!  If that isn't your cup of tea come and join us on the ground to help others feel more comfortable as they follow us.   We will have a VERY good expo special going on that weekend so be sure to stop by our booth if you can't make the Zumba class.  Grab your inner performer and feel the thrill of butterflies in your stomach - you wont regret it!

Friday, March 9, 2012


You may have noticed that we now have a massage therapist renting out our back space in the building.  Her name is Sarah.  Sarah started coming to The Edge several months ago after her recent move from the bay area.  She had built quite a clientele up there and was driving up every other week for 3 very long days of back to back massages.  She sat in our parking lot after a class one day and had this feeling come over her that perhaps The Edge was a perfect place to set up shop on the central coast.  Little did she know that that very week Suzanne and I were seriously talking about renting out the back room to help us make our increased rent that month.  Suzanne and I are extremely careful about the people we have in our space.  We have worked really hard to create a space of comfort and peace.  The energy at The Edge is special - hopefully you can feel it when you walk in the door.  We needed the perfect person to share our space with us.  In walks Sarah asking if we have any space to rent and everything clicked right into place.  She went to work creating a beautiful and serene oasis - the perfect place to completely relax. 

Right away she offered us a massage so we would be familiar with her services.  As many of you know we have been teaching every single class since our opening last July.  We also have very busy family lives so it has been hard to "squeeze in" a massage.  Yesterday, finally, we both made the time.  I myself have only had a couple of massages my entire life.  Suzanne has had quite a few.  After yesterday I know that is going to change for me.  Sarah made me feel so comfortable.  I walked into her room as a customer and was transported immediately to a new place.  The dim lighting, the soft music, the atmosphere was so inviting.  The minute I laid down on that warm table I was in heaven. She went to work knowing exactly what I needed - the perfect pressure - focusing on all of my points of tension without me having to tell her.  She was so quiet and effective.  When it was over (so sad) I was a renewed person. I have never felt that good after a massage and Suzanne concurred.   Lesson learned.  We both needed to take the time, for ourselves and our families, to balance our bodies, refresh our minds, and renew our spirits.  It is called massage "therapy" and now I know why.  That was the best hour spent in a long time.  I strongly recommend that you take some time and balance your workouts with a wonderful massage.  I know I will be doing that on a regular basis from now on.  

Sarah is offering our Edge clients an incredible introductory special - $50 for an hour and $75 for 90 minutes.  This special will not last long so instead of putting off some me time because you can't "squeeze" it in give her a call and make some time for yourself.  It will be completely worth it!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Something many of us strive for but few will achieve.  What is perfection?  Too many people spend their lives looking to find satisfaction in achieving "perfection".  With the media and photoshop it is sometimes hard to not feel inferior when we look in the mirror.  The "if only"s start to creep in.  I have spent many hours and countless amounts of energy working toward that idea of perfection in my life.  I even had a short stint with an eating disorder as a young adult that made me feel terrible but gave me the physical results I wanted.  And why?  For what?  I am now 42 years old and know that I will never have a perfect body and honestly I wouldn't want one.  I have a bit of a belly that is evidence of the birth of my two beautiful children.  I have moles all over - a gift from my grandmother that will stick with me longer than any china would.  I have many scars from my battle with breast cancer that I wear with pride knowing I fought hard and came out stronger on the other side.  My wrinkles are a sign of a life well lived.  What I see in the mirror might not look perfect to you but it is most certainly perfect to me. I have the freedom to work on other things in my life that are really important like health, community, relationships and spiritual growth.  I hope when you look in the mirror you see the perfection that is you and the beauty of your uniqueness.  I hope you strive for better health, strength and stamina not a size 0.  Change your view and change your life:)

Monday, February 27, 2012


I love a good cheeseburger.  Hand me some cookies and I will most likely not turn them down.  My biggest food weakness by far is french fries.  Must be my German heritage but fried potatoes are the most amazing thing on the planet.  If I could eat this way all of the time I would given the choice.  But.....we get out of our bodies what we put into them.  Case in point.  Last week I was REALLY craving a burger so for lunch I had one.  I then proceeded to teach two cardio classes that night and completely tanked.  I was sucking air and watching the clock wondering if I could get through it.   The next day I had a really healthy veggie salad for lunch.  I proceeded to teach two classes that night and felt great.  I am taking us back to a previous post because it really is how you look at it.  I can look at that salad and say to myself "gee, I wish I was eating a burger right now" or I could say "I love how crunchy and fresh this tastes and I know I am going to feel great after I eat it".  How about this week we really think about what fuel we put into our bodies before we actually eat it and pay attention to how our bodies react.  Good luck!

Friday, February 24, 2012


I really hate to admit that I watch reality TV but I do.... it is somewhat of an addiction.  People fascinate me.  One show I watch is Survivor.  I was watching an episode last night (while doing sit-ups, lunges, and squats... just kidding.... I was sitting on my booty eating popcorn) and there was this young girl on the show.  She was talking about how she has never failed at anything because she never puts herself in a situation where she could fail.  I used to be a PRO at that.  When I was her age (early 20s)  the worst thing in the world would have been to fail at something.  I was easily embarrassed and humiliated and if I did fail at something it would wreak havoc on me for months.  I am not sure where the turning point came.  I think it was probably after my mom passed away when I was 23.  I realized that life is short and you better just do as much as you can with the time we have here.  Don't get me wrong, I really don't enjoy failing.  I don't think any of us do, but success is so much greater when we have failed a few times in the process.  It is so easy to stay in the comfort zone and not reach out and push ourselves beyond where we think we can go.  You never know until you try and in trying you might fail.... but you also might succeed.  We have to learn to laugh at ourselves, be a little crazy and allow ourselves the grace to grow.  I have literally fallen on my face in front of a ton of people but I picked myself up and brushed myself off and moved on.  What new thing will you try today that gets your heart racing at just the thought of it?  That is where life lives:)  

Thursday, February 23, 2012


I don't care where you come from.  I don't care how much money you have.  I don't care how many friends you have or what you look like.  This life is about choices.  Every single one of us goes through tough times.  You might not know mine and I might not know yours but it is a certainty that life gets rough.  It is how we handle the rough times that defines who we are.  How we choose to look at a situation has a great impact on how it will affect you and those around you.
I used to hide behind my long blond hair.  I used to think it was part of me.  It wasn't until I lost it all during chemotherapy that I realized it wasn't a part of me at all.  I chose to look at the bright side and guess what?  It ended up being the bright side.  I love not having to worry about my hair any longer.  There were days when I would have a hard time getting off of the couch - I just didn't have the energy - but it was a perfect opportunity to snuggle with my kids and get to know them better.  On an average day I would have been doing laundry or cleaning or cooking.... something other than spending that quality time with them.  As crumby as I was feeling physically is was the perfect moment to really get to know my kids and what was going on in their heads.
There is ALWAYS a way to look at a situation and see the positive side of it.  We don't get to control very much in this life but one thing we can control is how we decided to look at things.  So, next time you look in the mirror - see the beauty.  Next time you are frustrated, angry, unsatisfied or depressed - take a deep breath and see if you can turn it around.  Choose to find patience, serenity, satisfaction and joy.  You won't believe the difference it will make.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


What if we took vision out of the equation?  What if our bodies were vehicles to help us enjoy our life and nothing more?  Our bodies are the most intricate and awe inspiring work of machinery.  They allow us to not only get to where we want to be but also provides us with physical pleasure of movement and expression.  Have you ever really "let go"?  I mean really let go?  It took me a LONG time before I could truly enjoy the freedom that comes with letting go through movement.  Your body wants to move.  It wants to feel the movement and express the feelings that come from hearing a fantastic beat or beautiful melody.  Our minds hold us back.  We don't want to look silly or feel foolish in front of other people.  What if nobody could see you?  Would you let go then?  Even if you don't think you have rhythm, even if you don't think you are coordinated there is a measurable freedom that comes when our minds let the body do what it was meant to do - move.  Endorphins release and we get a natural high.  What a gift!  Next time you are at THE EDGE - take a minute before class and tell yourself that "today I am going to be free of judgement in my own mind so I can enjoy the full benefits of this class".  Know that you are in a safe place with other like minded people who just want to have a great time and keep our most precious valuable - our bodies - in the best shape possible.  Reach a little longer, push a little deeper,  and maybe for just a moment you will feel completely free.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Journey

If you haven't figured it out already it is never about the destination - always about the journey.  I want to take you on a journey with me.  We are going to try new things, takes steps in waters we have never seen before and grow in ways you may never have imagined.  I want to help you make your life the best it can possibly be.  We are going to go to those places where the words "I can't" live and turn them into "I can".  We are going to make every single day count and we are going to live in gratitude doing it.  Change can be really scary but together it can be a lot easier.  I will push, nudge, pull and drag you if I have to but a fire is going to be lit in your life and soon that light will be amazingly bright.  People are drawn to light and so soon you too will be showing people how to really, truly enjoy this journey we call life.  This is just me sharing with you how I came to find true happiness, satisfaction, gratitude and grace through positive living, through exercise, and through acceptance.  So now you have a choice.  This is just a blog and this all might sound like gobbledygook to you so feel free to disengage.  I plan on being here often to share insight and motivate you in your journey so - if you choose - check back often.  I will leave you with this for today - Everyone has dark days but just as the night can sometimes feel endless there is most certainly a sunrise every morning.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year!!!!

What is in store for you in 2012?  We may not be able to control everything that happens around us but we most certainly can have insight into how we view and respond to it.  How about this year we make it all about being positive?  Instead of comparing yourself or your life to those around you - start by finding joy in who you are and what you have.  There are two, almost certain, ways to improve your mental state and find joy in life.  The first is by giving.  When you give your time, treasures or talent away you feel satiated and content.  What have you been blessed with that you can share with others? A listening ear?  The ability to cook a great meal?  Maybe even a random act of sending someone a note letting them know how special they are.  Giving is a wonderful way to pay it forward and improve the lives of not only yourself but those around you!

The second way to find joy and mental clarity is by exercising.  It has been scientifically proven.  We have our own proof right here at THE EDGE.  Almost everyone walks out feeling better than when they walked in.  Part of what we want to bring you at THE EDGE is a place where you can not only exercise but really enjoy doing it!  Our motto is fun and 2012 is going to be just that.  We have new classes coming your way very soon that you are sure to love.  We also want to foster a place where you can meet like minded people who are interested in investing in their future through exercise and health.  What better way to keep you on track with your fitness than finding a friend to do it with?

Suzanne and I are excited to see what 2012 bring through our door and into our lives.  We have been so blessed already with a quiver of new friends - it can only get better from here!  Here is to a fantastic 2012 for all of us!  Cheers!