Monday, November 19, 2012


As joyful as this time of year can be for many it is also a very difficult time for some.  I myself reflect on when I lost my Mom at age 23 five days before Thanksgiving.  I was also diagnosed with cancer 3 years ago 4 days before Christmas.  The holidays can be stressful remembering those that are no longer with us.  Many people have financial burdens that are compounded this time of year and for those struggling with health and weight loss there are temptations around every corner.  How do we manage?  I am not a doctor or psychiatrist but I want to share with you how I stay positive, satisfied and at peace no matter where my life takes me or what time of year it is.

1) Be thankful.  Easier said than done but when you find gratitude in even the smallest of things your life takes on new meaning.  Once I stopped "asking" for more and started counting what I already had I felt "full" instead of "hungry" all of the time.

2) Forgive.  Whatever wrongs others have done to you holding onto it only hurts you.  When you feel the freedom that comes with forgiveness you will breathe easier.

3) Find satisfaction in yourself.  This one is very difficult for me but when I remind myself that I was born exactly as I was suppose to be I can relax a little and learn to love those extra moles or lapses in memory.  When we turn our "flaws" around and call them unique qualities we have a new perspective.

4) Practice giving.  Whether it is the parking space everyone is after or the last cart at the grocery store the joy that comes from giving (especially random acts of kindness) is profound and pure.

5) Breathe.  Grown ups need time outs too.  Sometimes all it takes is a full 60 seconds to calm your breath down and slow your heartbeat.  When we can get our physical bodies under control our minds don't go so crazy with the "what ifs" or the "I can'ts" or the "I don'ts".  Are all of those things you are really stressed about life and death?

6) Find faith.  Your faith may be different than mine but having faith in something larger than yourself ( Humanity, God etc) gives you something to hold onto.  I have had multiple times in my life where I felt like I was free falling with nothing but a crash in sight.  If I did not have faith to hold onto I surely would have splattered on the ground.

7) Exercise (of course).  One of the BEST stress relievers.  Instead of forgoing your workout to get the shopping done try to squeeze at least a few minutes in.  It is ironic that the one thing that can really help relieve stress is also the one thing that we don't make time to do when we are stressed out.

Suzanne and I wish all of you a very enjoyable and peaceful Thanksgiving.  We hope you find small things to be thankful for in your lives as well as large things.  We are very thankful for each and every one of you and will count you in our blessings on Thanksgiving day.

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