Saturday, June 23, 2012


As we approach the first full year of being in business I have been reflecting on all of the challenges, milestones and people we have experienced along the way.  The things we have learned and the growth we have experienced as women business owners has been surprising, exhausting (at times) but most of all rewarding.  Many things we thought would happen didn't and many other things that we were not expecting did happen.   We knew that we would meet amazing, determined, dedicated, accepting and positive people.  "If you build it they will come"  right?  This was the atmosphere we were going for and boy did you deliver!  Our EDGE family could not be built any better - there is not a bad apple in the bunch!  You have all so inspired us and we learn so much from you on a daily basis.   Some of you we see regularly and others come in spurts but every time you walk through the door you bring the sunshine with you.  Most of the time just walking through the door is the hardest part.  We love watching how you connect with others in the studio and have made friends.  We love to watch you challenge yourselves but most of all we love watching you grow stronger.  

I have always been the kind of person who likes to do things on my own.  I want to know I can do things without any ones help.  That is pride I guess, and too much of it.  I have always wanted to own my own business.  My father had his own business and from a young age I wanted to do the same thing.  After being a fitness instructor for several years the idea of opening my own studio would roll around in my head often but I never really had the courage to jump.  Suzanne had been having the same thoughts too.  We were not sure what owning this business together would do to our friendship - it was a big risk.  What if we didn't operate the same way?  Was it worth risking our friendship and the friendships of our families over?  The answer came back yes.  I am so happy that I did NOT do this on my own.  If I had I would have nobody to share the joy with.  Suzanne has always been an incredible friend - with me through thick and thin when the floor was about to drop out.  She reads me, knows me and understands me.  I would not have wanted to be on this adventure with anyone else.  I love her more and more as we move through this chapter of our lives together.

What I am trying to say is that life is worth sharing.  Milestones and goals and successes are worth sharing.  Challenges and failures are worth sharing too.  As you move toward your fitness goals find someone you can share the ride with - it makes it so much more enjoyable.  Besides, you will always have someone there in case you fall:)

I love you EDGE family!  Thank you for a great first year and I hope it is one of many!

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