Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year!!!!

What is in store for you in 2012?  We may not be able to control everything that happens around us but we most certainly can have insight into how we view and respond to it.  How about this year we make it all about being positive?  Instead of comparing yourself or your life to those around you - start by finding joy in who you are and what you have.  There are two, almost certain, ways to improve your mental state and find joy in life.  The first is by giving.  When you give your time, treasures or talent away you feel satiated and content.  What have you been blessed with that you can share with others? A listening ear?  The ability to cook a great meal?  Maybe even a random act of sending someone a note letting them know how special they are.  Giving is a wonderful way to pay it forward and improve the lives of not only yourself but those around you!

The second way to find joy and mental clarity is by exercising.  It has been scientifically proven.  We have our own proof right here at THE EDGE.  Almost everyone walks out feeling better than when they walked in.  Part of what we want to bring you at THE EDGE is a place where you can not only exercise but really enjoy doing it!  Our motto is fun and 2012 is going to be just that.  We have new classes coming your way very soon that you are sure to love.  We also want to foster a place where you can meet like minded people who are interested in investing in their future through exercise and health.  What better way to keep you on track with your fitness than finding a friend to do it with?

Suzanne and I are excited to see what 2012 bring through our door and into our lives.  We have been so blessed already with a quiver of new friends - it can only get better from here!  Here is to a fantastic 2012 for all of us!  Cheers!